
Synchronous collection of vibration data from 8 channels and processing on the device with an assessment of the state according to GOST ISO 10816, as well as performing diagnostics and predictive analysis.
The Passer-T data acquisition device is designed for measuring electrical signals of voltages and currents in order to monitor the technical condition of the main components of three-phase asynchronous electric motors.
A gateway with the ability to store data and perform local computing (IoT Edge Computing Gateway).
The Larus -100 PLC is designed to solve a wide range of small-scale automation tasks.

It can be used as an independent device, or in conjunction with other devices of the Larus family, thanks to the wide network capabilities of.
About the company
Liman-Tech LLC specializes in the development of data acquisition devices and programmable logic controllers.

For our devices, a team of experienced programmers develops firmware and software, integrates with the company's information systems.

We create our own projects with the support of the Russian Foundation for the Development of Information Technologies (RFRIT) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Industry and Trade)

In addition, our experts are able to understand your business needs and offer unique ideas for automating processes and improving business efficiency.
They trust us
    We offer you a test drive of the Passer equipment diagnostics system
    • We will send a set of equipment for collecting data from the electric motor and a hardware gateway for transmitting data to the LIMANIS server;
    • Remotely configure the Limanis software;
    • We will collect data on engine operation within a month (with providing you with access to the LIMANIS-Monitor monitoring software);
    • We will provide a report on the technical condition of the equipment based on the collected data;
    • We will discuss together your impressions about using the Passer equipment diagnostics system.
    Liman Group of Companies
    Liman-Tech LLC is part of the Liman Group of Companies, which has been operating in the industrial automation market since 2009.

    Liman Group performs work on the design of automated process control systems, development, circuit design and programming of devices, and software development.

    Liman Group's ongoing projects include design and production of air separation stations, power supply and energy consumption tasks, and integrated security systems.