Predictive analytics is a class of data analysis methods used to predict the future behavior of objects and subjects in order to make optimal decisions. Predictive analytics uses statistical methods, data mining, game theory, machine learning, and neural networks, and evaluates current and historical facts to make predictions about future events.
There are four main stages of implementing predictive analysis methods: data collection, data processing, data analysis,and forecasting.
Global practice shows that the construction of predictive models describing the behavior of most types of dynamic equipment requires a joint analysis of the following information, grouped by sources:
Automated process control system: information about the technological process and current operating modes – instantaneous discrete values of vibration, speed, temperature, current, pressure, etc.
Mobile MRO: visual inspection results, discrete values of vibration and temperature obtained during daily inspections by technological or operational personnel.
Portable diagnostic devices: results of periodic measurements of various dynamic data (vibration signals and spectra, thermograms, UZK maps, etc.).) by diagnostic services or shop staff.
Stationary diagnostic systems: results of continuous measurements of various dynamic data (vibration signals and spectra, etc.).) the most critical and critical equipment in real time.
MRO modules (general factory and shop) : information about ongoing maintenance and repairs, input monitoring, load balancing, and alignment.